Hardback - The Pastor and His Anatomy - 3rd Edition


This more affordable 3rd EDITION (2023) is a revised, condensed, and updated version of the previous Revised Edition (2020). Volumes I and II of the previous Revised Edition are condensed and updated in this 3rd Edition with new bonus chapters and material.

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This more affordable 3rd EDITION (2023) is a revised, condensed, and updated version of the previous Revised Edition (2020). Volumes I and II of the previous Revised Edition are condensed and updated in this 3rd Edition with new bonus chapters and material.

This more affordable 3rd EDITION (2023) is a revised, condensed, and updated version of the previous Revised Edition (2020). Volumes I and II of the previous Revised Edition are condensed and updated in this 3rd Edition with new bonus chapters and material.

This more affordable 3rd EDITION (2023) is a revised, condensed, and updated version of the previous Revised Edition (2020). Volumes I and II of the previous Revised Edition are condensed and updated in this 3rd Edition with new bonus chapters and material. 

Chapter Outline

Chapter 1: The Pastor and His Character - Paul: When Nobody Knows Who You Really Are

Chapter 2: The Pastor and His Head - Elijah: Hell Has No Fury Than a Woman Scorned

Chapter 3: The Pastor and His Mind - Paul: When You Have to Start All Over Again

Chapter 4: The Pastor and His Ears - Jeremiah: When It's Time to Downsize

Chapter 5: The Pastor and His Eyes - Ezekiel: How To Lead a Dead Army

Chapter 6: The Pastor and His Voice - John the Baptist: A Preacher Who Defied Social Media

Chapter 7: The Pastor and His Shoulders - Habbakuk: When Preaching Advances Adversity

Chapter 8: The Pastor and His Heart - David: A Passion That Prevails

Chapter 9: The Pastor and His Rib - Eve: A Wife Who Was Too Smart for Her Own Good

Chapter 10: The Pastor and His Arms - Paul: A Preacher Who Was Constantly Under Attack

Chapter 11: The Pastor and His Loins - Sampson: When Power Is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac

Chapter 12: The Pastor and His Thigh - Jacob: When You Leave People Feeling Robbed

Chapter 13: The Pastor and His Knees - James: How to Have Genuine Healing Encounters

Chapter 14: The Pastor and His Psyche - The Psychology of Preaching